Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Top Five Favorite Highliters

In the photos below, I know the date stamp is wrong. My camera is acting CRAZY and I can't change the date. Sorry about the date stamp (and how  the date is wrong, for that matter) I'll get it fixed ASAP.

 Anyways- Hey everyone! I wanted  to do another blog post on a makeup item that I feel is ESSENTIAL in winter- highliter! Highliter is amazing when it comes to the winter months- it can keep your face as glowy as it was in the summer!

I am sharing my top five highliters with you- Benefit's "High Beam", Loracs "Spotlight", The Balm's "Mary Loumanizer", Wet n Wild's "Reserve your Cabana", and Bare Minerals all over face glow in "Pure Radiance". (note- the Lorac and Benefit are in travel size, because I purchased them in a sample kit from Sephora)
Here are swatches- From Left to Right- Benefit "High Beam", Wet n Wild "Reserve your Cabana", The Balm's "Mary Loumanizer", Lorac's "Spotlight", and Bare Mineral's "Pure Radiance".

Benefit's High Beam
This is a pretty unique highliter. It is in a nail polish type format- it's so cool!  It is a fantastic pink-y highliter. The pink undertones make it a unique glow to the face.
Wet n Wild's Reserve Your Cabana
This is a great value. It has A HUGE amount of product for only $3.99.  It is a very luminous, natural glow to the cheekbones.
 The Balm's Mary Loumanizer
 First of all- the Balm gets an A+ for packaging, it is sooo cute! (look at photo above for view of packaging) Anyways, this is my favorite of the bunch. Well- they are all favorites, but I have to say this is the best of all. The pigmentation is fantastic and I love using this on the lid if i'm in a rush.
Lorac's "Spotlight"
This is the most yellow highliter of all. It is very natural and a go to if i have alot going on for the eyes, or if i'm wearing a pop of color type blush!
BareMinerals Pure Radiance
This highlight is very beautiful and probably right there with intensity as the Balm's highliter. It is a little inconvenient because it is loose powder, but none the less i still really love using this highlighter.
Over view of all the highlighters!
THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING! Please comment down below to request post's and to let me know you read it!
XOXO natalie

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